Sunday, March 07, 2010

When I am home alone, as I was this weekend, I like to pee with the door open and have a clean kitchen and walk around in my underwear and have naps on the couch. Though I like my housemates, it was nice for a change. I hadn't had the place to myself since the first week I moved in here back in August.

When it's nice outside, I like to stop wearing socks and boots and I break out my corduroy jacket. I also hang my laundry outside, and then I smile at it suspended there above the snow in the yard, and it smells like outside when I bring it in and it's wonderful (I feel like I write about hanging laundry a lot).

I'm so excited about the gorgeous weather we've been having lately. I feel like spring has crept up early, quickly and unexpectedly this year. But maybe that's just because I was prepared for it to be especially late in coming up here in Sudbury. I'm not getting my hopes up though that it's here to stay, because we'll likely have some more winter before it's gone for good.

When I was napping on the couch, as I like to do when no one else is around, I woke up and the radiator under the window was leaking water all over the floor. Actually, it was more like spurting water. Rusty red water. I freaked out a little, thinking of how great it was that this was happening when no one else was home. What would I do? I got up and turned on the light, because it was getting dusky by this time, and there was nothing there. No hole in the radiator, no spurting rusty water. It was strange. I often have hallucinations when I'm half awake, but they don't usually seem that real. Well they do, but I'm usually mostly still sleeping, and once I'm fully awake I realize it's nothing. This time I felt quite fully awake and was actually really surprised when I turned on the light and it was all gone. I had even heard the water dripping on the floor.

When my friends are still recovering from the night before, I like to hang out with them (three of my favourite midwifs) on an air mattress and watch silly vampire movies while eating delivered Indian food.


Blogger Rachel said...

Oh, Jill... you are so great!

I have taken to peeing with the door open even when others are home. I figure I'll hear them in time to slam it shut - we have such creaky stairs.

I hung laundry outside today for the first time this year! Oh bliss!

I also hallucinate upon waking. Usually I see smoke (very scary for someone with a fire phobia) or millions of spiders or cracks spreading rapidly in the plaster on the walls.

I, myself, a partial to zombie movies. I recommend 'Shawn of the Dead' and (my very favourite zombie movie) 'Fido'. There are lots of great '50s dresses in that one.

Blogger Jill said...

I often hallucinate spiders too. Or shadows or tree branches coming out of the walls, or animals.

Blogger Rachel said...

At least we don't see strange men entering the room like Shawna does.

Blogger Jill said...

Thank goodness!


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