Today it was freezing rain. It took me 15 minutes this morning to scrape my car so I could drive to work. It was solidly encased in a nice layer of ice. When I came outside after work, I was met with the sound of ice scrapers scraping windshields. As I was working at unburrying my windshield wipers from the pile of frozen stuff they were in, my boots soaking through from the slush, it all struck me as quite funny and it was hard not to laugh out loud. People all over the parking lot trying to find their windows, the harsh notes of a scraping orchestra filling the air.
so true.
the harsh weather kind of forces a bit of community on the usually indoor-population...everyone out at the same time, battling the same task. i dont hate scraping the windows, its sort of nice to be out of doors for those few extra minutes.
What a nice way to look at something that can be irritating.
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